Opening Japan's Skies: Part 2
By Willhemina Wahlin
The British carrier, BMI, is a good example of just how lucrative the trading of airport slots can be to the aviation industry. Mott McDonald's Director of Aviation Strategy, Laurie Price, who was invited to Tokyo in July by Tokyo University's International Transport Policy Research Institute in the Graduate School of Public Policy, explains that in BMI's case, it's key value is in fact its slot allocation. 'The value of British midlands BMI—the main value of BMI - is its 11 percent holding at Heathrow, which is probably worth somewhere around 300 million pounds.'
This is part two of the two part series on Japan's aviation industry, first published in J@pan Inc Magazine on 1 August, 2007. For Part One, go to: http://www.japaninc.com/jin424
Illustration: Willhemina Wahlin