When kick-backs bite you in the ass...

The AWB is accused of funnelling AUD300 million of kickbacks to the regime of Saddam Hussein via a Jordanian trucking company. While the upper management of the AWB has been going through the mill of an official inquiry, it wasn’t until most of them had claimed no knowledge that an AWB Market report on Iraq was brought before the Cole Inquiry, which stated:
“Inland transport fees are paid via Alia in Jordon, which then pays the Ministry of Transport in Iraq.”
Couldn’t have said it better myself.
But there’s more.

The AWB is accused of funnelling AUD300 million of kickbacks to the regime of Saddam Hussein via a Jordanian trucking company. While the upper management of the AWB has been going through the mill of an official inquiry, it wasn’t until most of them had claimed no knowledge that an AWB Market report on Iraq was brought before the Cole Inquiry, which stated:
“Inland transport fees are paid via Alia in Jordon, which then pays the Ministry of Transport in Iraq.”
Couldn’t have said it better myself.
But there’s more.